Medloaner & Innovation Factory

The Medloaner Team is very excited to announce that they have been accepted as a client by Innovation Factory.

Starting in October, Medloaner will be partnering with Innovation Factory and their amazing team to help catalyze the growth of our AI-enabled supply chain optimization software for surgical procedure kits.

Innovation Factory is a not-for-profit business accelerator and a regional innovation centre, serving as the catalyst for technology innovation in the Greater Hamilton Area since 2010. Providing business services, training, mentorship, and strategic connections, Innovation Factory helps drive market adoption, revenues, investment, jobs and leverage intellectual property. Funded by the Government of Ontario, Innovation Factory helps Ontario-based innovators and entrepreneurs clear commercialization hurdles — accelerating the growth of companies so that they can compete and succeed globally and create high-quality jobs in our province.

Check out Innovation Factory and their amazing team


Medloaner & The OwnershIP Program